Repack moves rows from the end of the partition to the empty page space present in the upper end of the partition. 重新打包将分区末端的行移动到分区上部的空白页空间中。
Based on logic in the view, this displays an empty page. 基于视图中的逻辑,它将显示一个空白页。
Return with an empty string, so that when the action is finished, you will return to the same page. 返回一个空字符串,因此当这个方法完成时,您可以返回到相同的页面。
You can also refer to the number of empty locations as the number of free page frames. 也可以将空闲位置的数目称为空闲分页框架的数目。
An empty type tree will open up in the editor and at the bottom of the page, you will see the Extender Properties view, which shows the properties of a particular data type. 编辑器会打开一个空类型树,并且您会在页面底部看到ExtenderProperties视图,其中将显示特定数据类型的属性。
If the messages are not empty, the content is added to the Dojo widgets on the page. 如果消息不为空,则将内容添加到页面上的Dojo小部件。
You can select to use the layout from an existing page, or select Empty. 您可以选择使用现有页面中的布局,或者选择Empty。
Without such accountability, any agreement would be empty words on a page. 没有这种问责制度,任何协议都只是一纸空文。
He finished the wine ( enough for six strong men) at one draught and handed the empty bowl back to the page. 他一口气就把那一碗酒(足够六个壮汉喝的量)喝完了,随即把木碗还给侍从。
Right now our Digg application doesn't do anything, and when it is run it brings up an empty page. 现在我们的Digg应用什么都不做,在运行它时,只会调出一个空白的网页。
Most designers know the value of white space, which is the empty space between paragraphs, pictures, buttons and other items on the page. 很多设计师都知道空白的价值,也就是页面中段落、图片、按钮和其它元素之间的空白。
When a user clicks their way to an empty page, they have wasted their time. 当一个用户点击到了一个空白的网页的时候,他们浪费了时间。
You can also select Add to current web when you choose an empty web or a page from the web site templates in the new page or web task pane. 您也可以在“新建网页或站点”任务窗格中选择“web站点模板”中的“空白网页”或页面时,选中“添加到当前站点”。
Control enables you to place an empty container control in the page and then dynamically add child elements to it at run time. 控件使您可以将空容器控件放置到页上,然后在运行时动态将子元素添加到空容器中。
When a page is almost empty, it is merged with an adjacent page, the pointers in the parent page are updated, and if it is required, the page is merged. 当页接近已空时,会与相邻页合并,并更新父页中的指针,如果需要,将合并页。
If the unplaced photos area is empty, iPhoto adds empty photo frames to the page. 如果未被放入的照片的区域是空的,则iphoto会将一个空白照片相框添加至该页面。
This section is empty. Click anywhere or choose New Page on the Insert menu. 此分区为空。请单击任意位置或选择插入菜单上的新页。
So Meebo could use IM as a base-and utilize the empty spaces on their page for new applications. 因此Meebo能够通过IM作为一个基础,利用它们页面上的空余空间来开发新的应用程序。
Property is empty, the link to the password recovery page is not available to the user. 属性为空,则不向用户提供密码恢复页链接。
However, there is little layout language research on Hunan's newspapers, and there is empty of the quantitative examination on layout language of front page. 但是,在有关版面语言的学术研究中,针对湖南报纸版面的研究相对匮乏,关于头版版面语言的定量研究更为匮乏。